安徽奥美展览工程有限公司,合肥展览公司,合肥展厅设计,安徽展览公司,安徽展厅设计公司,合肥展台制作,安徽展厅设计,合肥展台设计 ...
安徽奥美展览工程有限公司(4001140988)是一家从事展示设计与制作的专业展览公司。业务范围包括:展览会展台设计与制作,展厅、品牌形象专柜、专卖店和店中店的设计及施工。拥有大型制作工厂真正做到从设计施工后期维护一条龙服务,服务周到、质量可靠、价格优惠、诚信为尊 ...
- Select one version of your site as main and make a redirect from other versions to that one.
- Avoid using deprecated HTML tags.
- Implement the viewport meta tag.
Domain : www.yzflife.com/
Character length : 16
Keywords (meta keywords)
Error! Using “meta keywords” is meaningless in a while.
Error! Using “meta keywords” is meaningless in a while.
Open Graph Protocol
Error! The website does not use the OG (Open Graph) protocol.
Dublin Core
Dublin Core is not used
Underscores in the URLs
Error! Hyphen (-) is a better solution than underscore (_) in the URLs
- http://www.yzflife.com/xmdq_1.html
- http://www.yzflife.com/xmdq_1.html ("西蒙电气")
- http://www.yzflife.com/wlwzhaf_1.html
- http://www.yzflife.com/wlwzhaf_1.html ("物联网智慧安防")
- http://www.yzflife.com/yxy_1.html
- http://www.yzflife.com/yxy_1.html ("云星宇")
- http://www.yzflife.com/hajckyxgs_1.html
- http://www.yzflife.com/hajckyxgs_1.html ("华安进出口有限公司")
- http://www.yzflife.com/zhsgxc_1.html
- http://www.yzflife.com/zhsgxc_1.html ("展会施工现场")
- http://www.yzflife.com/ckzgsgxc_1.html
- http://www.yzflife.com/ckzgsgxc_1.html ("CK专柜施工现场")
- http://www.yzflife.com/ysldzgsgxc_1.html
- http://www.yzflife.com/ysldzgsgxc_1.html ("雅诗兰黛专柜施工现场")
- http://www.yzflife.com/diorzgsgxc_1.html
- http://www.yzflife.com/diorzgsgxc_1.html ("Dior专柜施工现场")
- http://www.yzflife.com/yhtsgxc_1.html
- http://www.yzflife.com/yhtsgxc_1.html ("养华堂施工现场")
- http://www.yzflife.com/lfxyz3y_1.html
- http://www.yzflife.com/lfxyz3y_1.html ("老凤祥扬州3月")
- http://www.yzflife.com/ktbyxc_1.html
- http://www.yzflife.com/ktbyxc_1.html ("康泰玻业现场")
- http://www.yzflife.com/bsjtsgxc_1.html
- http://www.yzflife.com/bsjtsgxc_1.html ("宝胜集团施工现场")
- http://www.yzflife.com/hldc_1.html
- http://www.yzflife.com/hldc_1.html ("瀚林地产")
- http://www.yzflife.com/lfx_1.html
- http://www.yzflife.com/lfx_1.html ("老凤祥")
- http://www.yzflife.com/lszm_1.html
- http://www.yzflife.com/lszm_1.html ("雷士照明")
- http://www.yzflife.com/zgdx_1.html
- http://www.yzflife.com/zgdx_1.html ("中国电信")
- http://www.yzflife.com/ldjt_1.html
- http://www.yzflife.com/ldjt_1.html ("绿地集团")
- http://www.yzflife.com/kkkl_1.html
- http://www.yzflife.com/kkkl_1.html ("可口可乐")
- http://www.yzflife.com/zcl_1.html
- http://www.yzflife.com/zcl_1.html ("中储粮")
- http://www.yzflife.com/to_1.html
- http://www.yzflife.com/to_1.html ("天喔")
- http://www.yzflife.com/zglt_1.html
- http://www.yzflife.com/zglt_1.html ("中国联通")
- http://www.yzflife.com/lx_1.html
- http://www.yzflife.com/lx_1.html ("联想")
- http://www.yzflife.com/he_1.html
- http://www.yzflife.com/he_1.html ("海尔")
- http://www.yzflife.com/zgydtx_1.html
- http://www.yzflife.com/zgydtx_1.html ("中国移动通信")
- http://www.yzflife.com/ahamzlgcyx_1.html
- http://www.yzflife.com/ahamzlgcyx_1.html ("养华堂 王总")
- http://www.yzflife.com/ahamzlgcyx_1.html ("安徽奥美展览工程有限公司非常..")
- http://www.yzflife.com/ahamzlgcyx_1.html ("查看详情")
- http://www.yzflife.com/ahamzlzzzz_1.html
- http://www.yzflife.com/ahamzlzzzz_1.html ("华祖堂 张总")
- http://www.yzflife.com/ahamzlzzzz_1.html ("安徽奥美展览展制作质量好,非..")
- http://www.yzflife.com/ahamzlzzzz_1.html ("查看详情")
- http://www.yzflife.com/cpzlyfchjg_1.html
- http://www.yzflife.com/cpzlyfchjg_1.html ("鸿盛钻石 李小姐")
- http://www.yzflife.com/cpzlyfchjg_1.html ("产品质量也非常好,价格实惠,..")
- http://www.yzflife.com/cpzlyfchjg_1.html ("查看详情")
- http://www.yzflife.com/ahamzlgzrz_1.html
- http://www.yzflife.com/ahamzlgzrz_1.html ("碧满塘 刘小姐")
- http://www.yzflife.com/ahamzlgzrz_1.html ("安徽奥美展览工作认真,不敷衍..")
- http://www.yzflife.com/ahamzlgzrz_1.html ("查看详情")
- http://www.yzflife.com/hfzlgsbwgs_1.html ("合肥展览公司-博物馆设计施工注意事项")
- http://www.yzflife.com/hfzlgsqyzt_1.html ("合肥展览公司—企业展厅设计装修需注意些什么?")
- http://www.yzflife.com/hfzlgsynhz_1.html ("合肥展览公司-业内合作的重要性")
- http://www.yzflife.com/hfzlgszhzt_1.html ("合肥展览公司做好展厅设计的三要素")
- http://www.yzflife.com/hfzlgsztzg_1.html ("合肥展览公司-展厅展馆设计的因素")
- http://www.yzflife.com/hfzlgsclgs_1.html ("合肥展览公司-陈列馆设计基本要求有几项")
- http://www.yzflife.com/hfzlgsrqyz_1.html ("合肥展览公司让企业展厅更吸引眼球")
- http://www.yzflife.com/hfzlgsztsj_1.html ("合肥展览公司-展厅设计公司设计构思")
- http://www.yzflife.com/hfzlgswzsd_1.html ("合肥展览公司为展商带来实质效益")
- http://www.yzflife.com/amzljnrhks_1.html
- http://www.yzflife.com/amzljnrhks_1.html ("奥美展览 教您如何快速实现高效安徽展台搭建")
- http://www.yzflife.com/amzljnrhks_1.html ("查看详细")
- http://www.yzflife.com/zyztdjrydz_1.html ("专业展台搭建人员的重要性-合肥展览公司")
- http://www.yzflife.com/tzztsjdjry_1.html ("特装展台设计搭建容易被忽略的细节-合肥展览公司")
- http://www.yzflife.com/hfzlgsdmgh_1.html ("合肥展览公司的美感-合肥展览公司")
- http://www.yzflife.com/tzztdxjhfz_1.html ("特装展台的细节-合肥展览公司")
- http://www.yzflife.com/ztdgdbzhfz_1.html ("展台灯光的布置-合肥展览公司")
- http://www.yzflife.com/wzydxzthzt_1.html ("文在寅当选总统 会暂停萨德吗-合肥会展服务")
- http://www.yzflife.com/ztsjdjzdzp_1.html ("展台设计搭建中的展品摆放-合肥展览公司")
- http://www.yzflife.com/jahdxxyjsm_1.html ("惊!安徽大学校园"僵尸摩托车"放10年没人领-合肥展览公司")
- http://www.yzflife.com/ahztdjamzl_1.html
- http://www.yzflife.com/ahztdjamzl_1.html ("安徽展台搭建:奥美展览在童车童床及玩具展览会等你")
- http://www.yzflife.com/ahztdjamzl_1.html ("查看详细")
- http://www.yzflife.com/ztsjdyshfz_1.html ("展台设计的艺术—合肥展览公司")
- http://www.yzflife.com/hfzlgsrhxz_1.html ("合肥展览公司—如何选择展台搭建材料")
- http://www.yzflife.com/ahzlgssjgj_1.html ("安徽展览公司——“首届钢结构”展览会在合肥拉开序幕")
- http://www.yzflife.com/ahzlgs5y19_1.html ("【安徽展览公司】5月19日安徽安防展,错过再等两年!")
- http://www.yzflife.com/ahzlgs2016_1.html ("安徽展览公司—2016中国(安徽)国际物流设备展")
- http://www.yzflife.com/ahzlgsamzl_1.html ("安徽展览公司:奥美展览——植保展参展商的最佳选择")
- http://www.yzflife.com/amzldzwmzt_1.html ("奥美展览打造完美展台 助力2015华东(安徽)环博会")
- http://www.yzflife.com/hfzlgsjnrh_1.html ("合肥展览公司-教您如何做到优质展台..")
- http://www.yzflife.com/shzlgsztsj_1.html ("上海展览公司-展厅设计必须有要求!")
- http://www.yzflife.com/shschz2015_1.html ("【安徽奥美展览】2015第十四届中..")
- http://www.yzflife.com/ciros2015z_1.html ("CIROS 2015中国国际机器人..")
- Expand
Search engine friendly URLs
Good! The website uses SEO friendly URLs.
Checking the robots.txt file
The robots.txt file is missing!
Social Engagement
No info found.
XHTML 1.0 Transitional
Perfect! The character encoding is set: UTF-8.
Error! No language localization is found.
Character length : 122
Improve! The website address (title) should be between 10 and 70 characters in length.
Character length : 122
Improve! The website address (title) should be between 10 and 70 characters in length.
Text / HTML ratio
Ratio : 10%
Error! The text / HTML code ratio is under 15 percent on this website. This value shows that the website has relatively few text content.
Error! The text / HTML code ratio is under 15 percent on this website. This value shows that the website has relatively few text content.
H1 | H2 | H3 | H4 | H5 | H6 |
1 | 19 | 19 | 7 | 0 | 0 |
Heading structure in the source code
- <H1>
- <H2> 11年展览展示设计制作搭建一站式服务商为您打造专属明星展台传播品牌价值
- <H2>
- <H2>
- <H3> 【 展台特装搭建 】
- <H3> 【 展厅规划陈列案例 】
- <H3> 【 商超专柜案例 】
- <H3> 【 其他业务 】
- <H3> 【 奥美动态 】
- <H2>
- <H3> 展览展示 设计、制作、维护打造您企业和产品专属创意空间
- <H2> 展台特装案例展示 企业展厅案例展示 商超专柜案例展示 其他业务
- <H3>
- <H3>
- <H3>
- <H3>
- <H2> specialty设计、制作、搭建三位一体展览展示专业服务商
- <H4> 展览展示设计
- <H4> 展览展示制作
- <H4> 展览展示维护
- <H2> + 更多奥美展览施工现场展示 / The construction site shows
- <H2> 一站式服务流程 /One stop service process
- <H2> 设计塑造品牌 Design brand奥美展览只做最有价值的品牌展览形象设计
- <H2> 意向客户 免费获得量身设计方案
- <H2>
- <H3> NO.1免费量身设计 高端、大气、专属的企业展览形象
- <H3> NO.2施工团队11年以上专业经验 施工质量有保障
- <H3> NO.3较同行,服务更高效,交付更及时,价格更优惠!
- <H3> NO.4优质的售后服务 客户选择奥美展览更放心
- <H2> 奥美展览资质证书更多 +
- <H2> 最值得信赖的展览、展厅工程服务商及时交付能力强 售前免费设计 售后免费维护
- <H2> + 更多听听奥美展览客户怎么说 /Customer testimonials
- <H4> 安徽奥美展览工程有限公司非常..
- <H4> 安徽奥美展览展制作质量好,非..
- <H4> 产品质量也非常好,价格实惠,..
- <H4> 安徽奥美展览工作认真,不敷衍..
- <H2> 更多+常见问题
- <H2> 更多+走进奥美展览
- <H3> 安徽奥美展览工程有限公司
- <H3> 企业相册
- <H2> 更多+ 更多+ 奥美动态 行业动态
- <H3> 奥美展览 教您如何快速实现高效安徽展台搭建
- <H3> 安徽展台搭建:奥美展览在童车童床及玩具展览会等你
- <H2> 更多+展会信息
- <H3> 友情链接申请入口
- <H2> 友情链接Links
Word cloud
- 全国服务热线:5
- 展台材质4
- 案例名称4
- 其他业务4
- 奥美动态4
- 展览场馆4
- 点击查看更多案例4
- 查看详情4
- 查看详细3
- 安徽展台搭建:奥美展览在童车童床及玩具展览会等你2
- customer2
- klein2
- 官网:http2
- 详情请咨询:2
- 展览展示2
- www2
- ahamzl2
- 网站地图2
- 奥美展览首页2
- 联系奥美展览2
- 展台特装2
- 展厅规划陈列馆2
- 商超专柜2
Keyword matrix
word | title | descriptions | heading |
全国服务热线: | |||
展台材质 | |||
案例名称 | |||
其他业务 | |||
奥美动态 | |||
展览场馆 |
Two Word cloud
- 商超专柜 其他业务2
404 Page
The website has a 404 error page.
Flash content
Good! The website does not have any flash contents.
Good! The website does not use iFrame solutions.
We found 93 images on this web page.
Good! Every image has an alternative text attributes set on this website.
Good! Every image has an alternative text attributes set on this website.
Mobile optimization
This website is optimal for mobile devices!
Detected applications
Nginx | Web Servers | |
jQuery | JavaScript Frameworks |
Deprecated HTML elements
Error! Deprecated HTML tags are used on this webpage. You should improve your website.
Deprecated HTML tags | Occurrences |
<font> | 2 |
Redirection (www / not www)
Error! The web address is accessible with and without www!
Deprecated HTML elements
Error! Deprecated HTML tags are used on this webpage. You should improve your website.
Deprecated HTML tags | Occurrences |
<font> | 2 |
Suggestion! Unfortunately, no printer-friendly CSS found.
Meta Tag (viewport tag, mobile devices)
Error! The meta tag named viewport is missing.
Server response time
The server response time is fast enough.
Loading time
833 ms
Table layout
Good! No nested tables found.
Number of HTTP resources
Number of source domains
Render blocking resources
The elements below are blocking the “above the fold” rendering.
List of render blocking javascript files
List of render blocking javascript files
- https://www.bolanhui8888.com/js/jquery-1.8.3.min.js
- https://www.bolanhui8888.com/css/new.css
Good! Just a few javascript files are detected on the website.
File size of all javascript files combined
Javascript minifying
Great! The Javascript files are minified.
Good! Just a few CSS files are used on this website.
File size of all css files combined
CSS minifying
You can save 1KB (15% compression) on the analysed URL by minifying the CSS files.
- By minifying https://www.bolanhui8888.com/css/new.css you can save 1KB (15% compression rate)
Uncompressed size of the of the HTML
Gzip compression
Your site uses compression.
Number of static resources (image, JS, CSS)
Browser cache
The browser cache is not set correctly for all elements.
URL | Duration |
http://gg.074tu.com/074tu/1000x60.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://gg.6008tu.com/960%C3%9760.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
https://www.bolanhui8888.com/css/new.css | 4 hours |
https://www.bolanhui8888.com/images/amyh.gif | 4 hours |
https://www.bolanhui8888.com/images/blr100.gif | 4 hours |
https://www.bolanhui8888.com/images/blr960.gif | 4 hours |
https://www.bolanhui8888.com/images/btm_contact_ico.png | 4 hours |
https://www.bolanhui8888.com/images/ggw.png | 4 hours |
https://www.bolanhui8888.com/images/headbg.jpg | 4 hours |
https://www.bolanhui8888.com/images/ico_bao.gif | 4 hours |
https://www.bolanhui8888.com/images/ico_hc_arrow.gif | 4 hours |
https://www.bolanhui8888.com/images/ico_hc_info.png | 4 hours |
https://www.bolanhui8888.com/images/js.gif | 4 hours |
https://www.bolanhui8888.com/images/vnsr.gif | 4 hours |
https://www.bolanhui8888.com/images/xpj.gif | 4 hours |
https://www.bolanhui8888.com/js/jquery-1.8.3.min.js | 4 hours |
https://www.bolanhui8888.com/.. /email-decode.min.js | 2 days |
File size of all images combined
Image optimisation
You can save 5KB (34% compression) by optimising the images below:
- By lossless compressing the https://www.bolanhui8888.com/images/ggw.png you can save 3KB (28%) data.
- By lossless compressing the https://www.bolanhui8888.com/images/btm_contact_ico.png you can save 1.1KB (36%) data.
- By lossless compressing the https://www.bolanhui8888.com/images/ico_hc_info.png you can save 894B (84%) data.
We found a total of 245 different links.
Internal links: 245
Internal links: 245
External links:
Link text (anchor) | Link strength |
Internal links:
Link text (anchor) | Link strength |
http://www.yzflife.com/index.htm | |
网站地图 | |
联系奥美展览 | |
奥美展览首页 | |
展台特装 | |
展厅规划陈列馆 | |
商超专柜 | |
其他业务 | |
荣誉资质 | |
客户见证 | |
奥美动态 | |
关于我们 | |
联系我们 | |
http://www.yzflife.com/index-1.htm | |
展台搭建 | |
安徽展览公司 | |
展厅设计 | |
展览设计 | |
【 展台特装搭建 】 | |
大型展台 | |
中型展台 | |
小型展台 | |
【 展厅规划陈列案例 】 | |
企业展厅 | |
规划展示 | |
其他展厅 | |
【 商超专柜案例 】 | |
化妆品专柜 | |
服饰专柜 | |
其他专柜 | |
【 其他业务 】 | |
促销活动 | |
晚会策划 | |
【 奥美动态 】 | |
企业展厅案例展示 | |
商超专柜案例展示 | |
http://www.yzflife.com/mlxywsyxgs.html | |
马来西亚万商有限公司 | |
上海新国际博览中心 | |
http://www.yzflife.com/nec.html | |
NEC | |
http://www.yzflife.com/esieelaude.html | |
http://www.yzflife.com/ktby1.html | |
康泰玻业1 | |
http://www.yzflife.com/ktby2.html | |
康泰玻业2 | |
http://www.yzflife.com/lfgq.html | |
蓝芬光琪 | |
http://www.yzflife.com/rjhg.html | |
瑞江化工 | |
http://www.yzflife.com/zygy.html | |
中冶光洋 | |
http://www.yzflife.com/jsjrylyxgs.html | |
江山家容园林有限公司 | |
http://www.yzflife.com/bmtsczt.html | |
碧满塘舒城展厅 | |
+ 点击查看更多案例 | |
http://www.yzflife.com/md.html | |
美的 | |
http://www.yzflife.com/mb.html | |
MB | |
http://www.yzflife.com/oly.html | |
欧罗雅 | |
http://www.yzflife.com/alsy.html | |
安粮实业 | |
http://www.yzflife.com/kbdj.html | |
凯邦电机 | |
http://www.yzflife.com/ght.html | |
规划厅 | |
http://www.yzflife.com/products-63061648191.html | |
普利亚 | |
http://www.yzflife.com/wxyblyyxgs.html | |
无锡银邦铝业有限公司 | |
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